Client Expectations
Please understand that obtaining treatment right now still carries some risk even with vaccinations and masks.
We are all in this together, and the actions of one affects the lives of all. Please respect our health (and our families’) and other clients’ health (and their families’) by being as truthful and transparent as possible, and we will do the same!
We reserve the right to refuse service due to safety concerns, even if you have arrived to the appointment.
If you haven't already, please review our new COVID Policies.
Ask if you have questions!
We are all in this together, and the actions of one affects the lives of all. Please respect our health (and our families’) and other clients’ health (and their families’) by being as truthful and transparent as possible, and we will do the same!
We reserve the right to refuse service due to safety concerns, even if you have arrived to the appointment.
If you haven't already, please review our new COVID Policies.
Ask if you have questions!
**Updated criteria for Delta surge for all clients (despite vaccination status)**
For any of the following, please consider rescheduling your appointment:
- If a person in your household is feeling ill, please reschedule after they are free of symptoms (without medications) for at least 5 days.
- If you have had a positive COVID test recently but are not experiencing symptoms, you must get a test showing negativity before coming in or considered clear by your doctor (or wait 14 days after initial test).
- If you’ve had any cold type symptoms recently but are negative for COVID; you must have been free of these symptoms for at least 5 days (without medications).